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Pasjonat - Nowicjusz
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  1. Na chwilę obecną wymieniłem pompkę (używka) i niestety efekt jest taki(gorszy) że teraz to non stop mam info o 1000km. Pompka używka zatem może być nie w pełni sprawna, sprawdzę jeszcze inną. Poprzednia nie chciała się kręcić.
  2. Przesyłam full scan z tym błędem. 96688 - Control Circuit for Reductant Pump 1 P208B 00 [00001101] - Implausible Signal Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear Freeze Frame: Fault Priority: 2 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 13 Mileage: 72991 km Date: 2024.12.20 Time: 07:52:35 Terminal 30A voltage: 14.74 V Terminal 30B voltage: 14.79 V Supply voltage for external components: 5.00 V Supply voltage for external components: voltage KL31: 0.00 V Pump for reducing agent: speed: 0 /min Pump for reducing agent: current: 0.00 A Reducing agent pump: operating state: Speed control Reducing agent pump: end stage activation status: not active Reducing agent pump: activation: 35.20 % Reducing agent pump: end stage temperature: 8 C Pressure sensor for reducing agent: measured pressure: 241 mbar Reducing agent quality sensor: urea concentration: 33.50 % Sensor 1 for reducing agent filling level: 122 mm Sensor 2 for temp. reducing agent: act. value: 7.50 C Sensor 2 for reducing agent filling level: 57 mm Reducing agent quality sensor: diagnosis status-Power supply: OK Reducing agent quality sensor: diagnosis status-Temperature sensor: OK Reducing agent quality sensor: diagnosis status-Temperature: status: OK Reducing agent quality sensor: diagnosis status-Status of the measurement: Concentration invalid Reducing agent quality sensor: diagnosis status-Measurement procedure: Measurement in progress Reducing agent quality sensor: diagnosis status-Ultrasound sensors: fault status: OK Reducing agent quality sensor: diagnosis status-ASIC malfunction: OK Reducing agent quality sensor: diagnosis status-Ultrasound sensor 2 status:: valid Heating circuit 1 f. red. agent metering sys.: end stage temp.: 5 C Reducing agent metering system heating circuit 1: actual current: 0.00 A Heating circuit 1 for reducing agent: power limitation: 144 W Reducing agent metering system heating circuit 2: actual current: 0.00 A Heat. circ. 2 f. red. agent metering activ. status Output stage: not active Heating circuit 2 for reducing agent metering: power: 0 W Heating circuit 3 for reducing agent: current: 0.00 A Heating circuit 3 for reducing agent: power set value: 0 W Heating circuit 3 for reducing agent: power: 0 W Heating circuit 3 for reducing agent: power limitation: 144 W Supply voltage 2 for external components: 14.45 V Reducing agent quality sensor: voltage terminal 31: 0.00 V Pump for reducing agent: sensors-Sensor 1: 0 Pump for reducing agent: sensors-Sensor 2: 0 Pump for reducing agent: sensors-Sensor 3: 0 Heating circuit 1 for reducing agent: power set value: 0 W Heating circuit 1 for reducing agent: power: 0 W 16955 - Control Circuit for Reductant Pump 1 P208B 00 [00100111] - Implausible Signal Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear Freeze Frame: Fault Priority: 2 Fault Frequency: 1 Mileage: 72991 km Date: 2024.12.20 Time: 07:52:37 Engine RPM: 861.00 /min Normed load value: 25.9 % Vehicle speed: 0 km/h Coolant temperature: 47 C Intake air temperature: 34 C Ambient air pressure: 970 mbar Voltage terminal 30: 14.720 V Unlearning counter according OBD: 40 Outside temperature sensor 1: B1: raw value: 5.5 C Pressure sensor for reducing agent: measured pressure: 277 hPa Pump for reducing agent: speed: 0.0 /min Sensor for reducing agent tank temperature: temperature: 7.5 C Reducing agent pump: activation: 34.99 % Sensor for reducing agent fill level: fill level height: 123 mm Sensor 2 for temp. reducing agent: act. value: 7.5 C
  3. nie mam teraz auta przy sobie więc nie podeślę takiego skanu. Dodatkowe pytanie: wiem że są firmy które naprawiają takie zbiorniki, czy warto? cenowo na pewno, może ktoś miał takie doświadczenie i coś się wypowie
  4. Cześć wszystkim. Nie mam co prawda A4 ale mam problem z moją q5. Mój problem jest taki z adblue. 16955 - Control Circuit for Reductant Pump 1 P208B 00 [01100000] - Implausible Signal Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear Freeze Frame: Fault Priority: 2 Fault Frequency: 1 Mileage: 72511 km Date: 2024.12.06 Time: 17:38:03 Engine RPM: 1064.00 /min Normed load value: 18.0 % Vehicle speed: 7 km/h Coolant temperature: 35 °C Intake air temperature: 28 °C Ambient air pressure: 950 mbar Voltage terminal 30: 14.840 V Unlearning counter according OBD: 38 Outside temperature sensor 1: B1: raw value: 3.0 °C Pressure sensor for reducing agent: measured pressure: -38 hPa Sensor for reducing agent tank temperature: temperature: 4.5 °C Reducing agent pump: activation: 34.99 % Sensor for reducing agent fill level: voltage: 13107.0 mV Potem znów mam takie 16955 - Control Circuit for Reductant Pump 1 P208B 00 [01100101] - Implausible Signal Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear Freeze Frame: Fault Priority: 2 Fault Frequency: 1 Mileage: 72613 km Date: 2024.12.07 Time: 19:30:37 Engine RPM: 879.50 /min Normed load value: 35.3 % Vehicle speed: 0 km/h Coolant temperature: 35 °C Intake air temperature: 17 °C Ambient air pressure: 970 mbar Voltage terminal 30: 14.720 V Unlearning counter according OBD: 40 Outside temperature sensor 1: B1: raw value: 2.5 °C Pressure sensor for reducing agent: measured pressure: 6297 hPa Sensor for reducing agent tank temperature: temperature: 6.0 °C Reducing agent pump: activation: 34.99 % Sensor for reducing agent fill level: voltage: 13107.0 mV Wymieniony został czujnik ciśnienia, kilka dni be problemu po czym znów podobnie, wartość ciśnienie ponad 6000hPA. Można błąd skasować a potem czekać na powrót(lub nie?) Co z tym zrobić? Pomysły na takie wysokie ciśnienie? wizja 9tysi za zbiornik jest rozwalająca + praca mechanika. Inna droga też jest tzw na stałe no ale potencjalny nabywca w przyszłości musi być tego świadom. Nie wiem tak naprawdę co może się dziać jak tego "cudownego" płynu nie będzie.
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