Witajcie. Jestem swieżo upieczonym posiadaczem a4 w avancie po podlaczeniu pod 3 komputery tylko jeden wykazal błedy, lecz nie moge sobie poradzic by to wrzucic wam w jakims linku wiec po prostu wkleje to co mi przesłali i mam nadzieje, ze ktos mi pomoże totalnie sie na tym nie znam ;/ poprzedni samochód nie potrzebowal takich pieszczot, ten zaś chce dopiescic pod kazdym wzgledem z góry kazdemu dziekuje za odpowiedz
nie moge tego wrzuci na vag log nawet po zmianie formatu ;/
VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N
Chassis Type: 8E - Audi A4 B6
Scan: 01,02,03,08,09,15,16,17,26,36,37,45,46,55,56,63,76
Address 01 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8E0 909 518 M
Component: 1.8L R4/5VT 0001
Coding: 0011501
Shop #: WSC 63351
No fault code found.
Readiness: 0110 1101
Address 03 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8E0 614 517
Component: ABS/ESP front 1726
Coding: 04275
Shop #: WSC 79227
No fault code found.
Address 08 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8E0 820 043
Component: A4 Klimaautomat 0712
Coding: 00000
Shop #: WSC 63351
2 Faults Found:
01274 - Air Flow Flap Positioning Motor (V71)
41-10 - Blocked or No Voltage - Intermittent
01794 - Control Module Incorrect Chassis (VIN) Number
35-00 - -
Address 09 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8E0 907 279 E
Component: int. Lastmodul RDW 0305
Coding: 00101
Shop #: WSC 79227
1 Fault Found:
01794 - Control Module Incorrect Chassis (VIN) Number
35-00 - -
Skipping Address 15-Airbags
Address 16 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8E0 953 549 L
Component: Lenksáulenmodul 0308
Coding: 02012
Shop #: WSC 63351
1 Fault Found:
01794 - Control Module Incorrect Chassis (VIN) Number
35-00 - -
Address 17 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8E0 920 930 K
Component: KOMBI+WEGFAHRS. RB4 D27
Coding: 00000
Shop #: WSC 01120
82415 AUZ6Z0A0323476
No fault code found.
Address 37 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 4B0 919 887 E
Component: BNS 4.2 H05 BNO 0007
1 Fault Found:
65535 - Internal Control Module Memory Error
00-00 - -
Address 46 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8E0 959 433 AD
Component: Komfortgerát T85 0315
Coding: 06976
Shop #: WSC 63351
3 Faults Found:
01562 - Right Rear Door
59-10 - Can't Unlock - Intermittent
01562 - Right Rear Door
61-00 - Won't De-Safe
01560 - Passenger Door
61-00 - Won't De-Safe
Address 56 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8E0 035 186 J
Component: concert II GRO 0008
Coding: 01015
Shop #: WSC 79227
1 Fault Found:
00858 - Connection: Radio ZF Output to Antenna Amplifier
29-10 - Short to Ground - Intermittent
End -------------------------------------------------------