Witam panowie od wczoraj szykam tematu ktory moglby mi pomoc ale nie znalazlem odpowiedzi.
Problem polega na tym ze samoczynnie wlancza mi sie centralny zamek tz otwiera sie co chwile tak jak ja bym naciskal otwieranie drzwi na panelu, i zapalaja sie swiatla, z kluczyka wogole samochod nie reaguje.
Jak otwieram drzwi z kluczyka to otwiera tylko kierowce, a jak zamykam to wszytkie zamki, sprawdzilem model konfortu jest suchy.
Podpiolem Vag i oto jakie bledy uzyskalem:
Control Module Part Number: 4B0 962 258 H
Component and/or Version: Central Lock/Alarm D32
Software Coding: 04814
Work Shop Code: WSC 02325
11 Faults Found:
01366 - Opened Due to Crash Signal
35-00 - -
01371 - Alarm triggered by Door Contact Switch: Driver's Side
35-00 - -
01374 - Alarm triggered by Terminal 15
35-00 - -
01370 - Alarm triggered by Interior Monitoring
35-00 - -
01368 - Alarm triggered by Luggage Compartment Switch
35-00 - -
01557 - Contact Switch in Locking Cyl: Driver Side: Open (F241)
29-10 - Short to Ground - Intermittent
00955 - Key 1
09-10 - Adaptation Limit Surpassed - Intermittent
01561 - Left Rear Door
59-10 - Can't Unlock - Intermittent
01559 - Drivers Door
60-00 - Won't Safe
01561 - Left Rear Door
61-10 - Won't De-Safe - Intermittent
01134 - Alarm Horn (H12)
49-10 - No Communications - Intermittent
Tuesday, 19 May 2009, 14:54:18
VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-US
Control Module Part Number: 4B0 962 258 H
Component and/or Version: Central Lock/Alarm D32
Software Coding: 04814
Work Shop Code: WSC 02325
11 Faults Found:
01366 - Opened Due to Crash Signal
35-00 - -
01371 - Alarm triggered by Door Contact Switch: Driver's Side
35-00 - -
01374 - Alarm triggered by Terminal 15
35-00 - -
01370 - Alarm triggered by Interior Monitoring
35-00 - -
01368 - Alarm triggered by Luggage Compartment Switch
35-00 - -
01557 - Contact Switch in Locking Cyl: Driver Side: Open (F241)
29-10 - Short to Ground - Intermittent
00955 - Key 1
09-10 - Adaptation Limit Surpassed - Intermittent
01561 - Left Rear Door
59-10 - Can't Unlock - Intermittent
01559 - Drivers Door
60-00 - Won't Safe
01561 - Left Rear Door
61-10 - Won't De-Safe - Intermittent
01134 - Alarm Horn (H12)
49-10 - No Communications - Intermittent
Tuesday, 19 May 2009, 14:56:56
VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-US
Control Module Part Number: 4B0 962 258 H
Component and/or Version: Central Lock/Alarm D32
Software Coding: 04814
Work Shop Code: WSC 02325
11 Faults Found:
01366 - Opened Due to Crash Signal
35-00 - -
01371 - Alarm triggered by Door Contact Switch: Driver's Side
35-00 - -
01374 - Alarm triggered by Terminal 15
35-00 - -
01370 - Alarm triggered by Interior Monitoring
35-00 - -
01368 - Alarm triggered by Luggage Compartment Switch
35-00 - -
01557 - Contact Switch in Locking Cyl: Driver Side: Open (F241)
29-10 - Short to Ground - Intermittent
00955 - Key 1
09-10 - Adaptation Limit Surpassed - Intermittent
01561 - Left Rear Door
59-10 - Can't Unlock - Intermittent
01559 - Drivers Door
60-00 - Won't Safe
01561 - Left Rear Door
61-10 - Won't De-Safe - Intermittent
01134 - Alarm Horn (H12)
49-10 - No Communications - Intermittent
Tuesday, 19 May 2009, 14:58:07
VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-US
Control Module Part Number: 4B0 962 258 H
Component and/or Version: Central Lock/Alarm D32
Software Coding: 04814
Work Shop Code: WSC 02325
11 Faults Found:
01366 - Opened Due to Crash Signal
35-00 - -
01371 - Alarm triggered by Door Contact Switch: Driver's Side
35-00 - -
01374 - Alarm triggered by Terminal 15
35-00 - -
01370 - Alarm triggered by Interior Monitoring
35-00 - -
01368 - Alarm triggered by Luggage Compartment Switch
35-00 - -
01557 - Contact Switch in Locking Cyl: Driver Side: Open (F241)
29-10 - Short to Ground - Intermittent
00955 - Key 1
09-10 - Adaptation Limit Surpassed - Intermittent
01561 - Left Rear Door
59-10 - Can't Unlock - Intermittent
01559 - Drivers Door
60-00 - Won't Safe
01561 - Left Rear Door
61-10 - Won't De-Safe - Intermittent
01134 - Alarm Horn (H12)
49-10 - No Communications - Intermittent
Juz w grudniu przestal mi dzialac jeden z kluczykow, to uzywalem 2 a teraz zaden nie dziala i wszystko szaleje, czy padl modol konfortu czy jest jakis sposob sprawdzenia go i jezeli padl to ile kosztuje nowy ???
Z gory dziekuje wszytkim za odpowiedz.