790 799 009 dzwoń jutro, a jak nie bd obierał to zrzuć mi sms.
Panowie zacząłem troszkę jeździć eską żeby ją rozruszać. Od soboty zaczął wyć mi alarm non stop i podpiąłem VAGa i tu takie kwiatki wyszły
witam. S3 wyrzuca takie błędy. Proszę o poradę jak to rozwiązać.
VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N
Chassis Type: 8L - Audi A3/S3
Scan: 01,02,03,08,15,17,22,35,37,45,54,55,56
Address 01 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8L0 906 018 N
Component: 1.8L R4/5VT G 0002
Coding: 05710
Shop #: WSC 06435
2 Faults Found:
16518 - Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor B1 S1: No Activity
P0134 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent
16795 - Secondary Air Injection System: Incorrect Flow Detected
P0411 - 35-00 - -
Readiness: 0000 0000
Address 03 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8N0 907 379 E
Component: ESP 20 CAN V004
Coding: 18448
Shop #: WSC 06435
1 Fault Found:
01279 - Longitudinal Acceleration Sensor (G251)
27-10 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent
Address 08 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8L0 820 043 M
Component: A3 KLIMAVOLL
Note: Excessive Comm Errors
Skipping Address 15-Airbags
Address 17 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8L0 920 930 F
Coding: 01144
Shop #: WSC 00000
˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙ AUZ7Z0Y1425650
7 Faults Found:
00779 - Outside Air Temp Sensor (G17)
30-10 - Open or Short to B+ - Intermittent
00771 - Fuel Level Sensor (G)
30-10 - Open or Short to B+ - Intermittent
01128 - Immobilizer Pickup Coil (D2)
35-10 - - - Intermittent
01176 - Key
07-10 - Signal to Low - Intermittent
00668 - Supply Voltage Terminal 30
53-10 - Supply Voltage Too Low - Intermittent
00562 - Sensor for Oil Level/Temperature (G266)
30-10 - Open or Short to B+ - Intermittent
00562 - Sensor for Oil Level/Temperature (G266)
29-00 - Short to Ground
Address 22 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 02D 900 554 B
Component: HALDEX LSC ECC 0006
No fault code found.
Address 35 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8L0 862 257 G
Component: ZV-Pumpe, DWA, Funk D11
Coding: 15178
Shop #: WSC 06435
7 Faults Found:
01367 - Central Locking Pump Run Time Exceeded (Likely Leak)
35-00 - -
01371 - Alarm triggered by Door Contact Switch: Driver's Side
35-00 - -
01374 - Alarm triggered by Terminal 15
35-00 - -
01370 - Alarm triggered by Interior Monitoring
35-00 - -
01369 - Alarm triggered by Hood Switch
35-00 - -
00955 - Key 1
09-00 - Adaptation Limit Surpassed
00956 - Key 2
09-00 - Adaptation Limit Surpassed
Address 45 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 4B0 951 173
Component: Innenraumueberw. D03
Coding: 00001
Shop #: WSC 00000
No fault code found.
Address 55 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 4B0 907 357
Coding: 00002
Shop #: WSC 06435
No fault code found.
End -------------------------------------------------------
VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N