Według normy DIN - moc wciąż jest mierzona na wale korbowym a nie na kołach.
Brake horsepower (bhp)[edit]
Brake horsepower (bhp) is the power measured at the crankshaft just outside the engine, before the losses of power caused by the gearbox and drive train.
In Europe, the DIN standard tested the engine fitted with all ancillaries and exhaust system as used in the car. The older American standard (SAE gross horsepower, referred to as bhp) used an engine without alternator, water pump, and other auxiliary components such as power steering pump, muffled exhaust system, etc., so the figures were higher than the European figures for the same engine. The newer American standard (referred to as SAE net horsepower, not as bhp) tests an engine with all the auxiliary components (see "Engine power test standards" below).
Myślałem że tak się liczy moc
MOC* = (moment obrotowy** x obroty na minutę) / 9549* moc wyrażona w kilowatach (KW) - 1 KW = 1.3 KM (Koń mechaniczny)** moment obrotowy wyrażony w niutonometrach (NM)
Czyli zwiększając obroty zwiększa się moc, klient się cieszy.