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Pasjonat - Nowicjusz
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O gluszczt


  • Imię
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  • Model
    A4 B6
  • Nadwozie
  • Rok produkcji
  • Silnik
    1.8 T
  • Napęd
  • Skrzynia
  • Paliwo
  1. gluszczt


    dzięki panowie , jutro zadziałam i dam znać .... nie za pierwszym razem, ale zadziałało na oba kluczyki ... do stacyjki, przekręcone na zapłon , naciskamy zamykanie ,otwieranie ,wyjmujemy i za drugim razem załapały oba piloty ...dzięki
  2. gluszczt


    Wymieniłem moduł centralnej elektryki /wariowały światła/ był z literką E na końcu ,teraz założyłem z literką F ... światła ok ale nie działa centralny zamek z pilota ? jakaś adaptacja tego modułu potrzebna ?Jeśli tak ,to czy zrobię ją vcds lite ? szukałem na forum ale nic konkretnego nie znalazłem ....
  3. gluszczt


    Masz foto takiego koła 8' 245/40 ? mam mozliwość kupic takie koło tyle że w 19' i et 49 ...zastanawiam się czy nie za duzy balon będzie ? i czy przy gwincie będzie to jakoś wygladać ...bez dystansu tez się nie obędzie w b6 q
  4. gluszczt


    Tak , nie rozbierałem go ale to kompletny kluczyk z aso ... jeden magik od kodowania stwierdził ,że jak nowy to lepiej przez jakiś audi line system kodować w aso , bo on to coś tam coś tam i nie zrobił .... Nie ukrywam że w aso parę złotych więcej kosztuje taka usługa
  5. gluszczt


    Za autem dostałem nowy fabryczny kluczyk z pilotem do b6 , auto otwieram po przekręceniu zamka , stacyjka tez chodzi ,auto nie odpala ....trzeba przypisać kluczyk do auta ....teraz pytanie czy taki kluczyk trzeba zrobić w aso / takie ktoś sprzedał mi info / , Czy normalna procedura przypisania ?
  6. gluszczt


    Nr nadwozia WAUZZZ8K4BA064785 model audi a4 av. 2.0 tdi A4 Data produkcji 21.10.2010 Rok modelowy 2011 typ handlowy 8K50QH Kod silnika CAGA Kod przekładni MMV numer napedu osiowego SA Wyposazenie GD kolor dachu T9 kolor zewnetrzny / numer koloru T9 / Y9C "Charism"2H0Without "drive select""Multimedia", video/DVD/notebook connection9WCWithout "Multimedia" in vehicleAdditional body covers, side6EAWithout additional side body covers (stone guard)Additional child seat anchors3B4Child seat anchor for child seat system ISOFIXAdditional tires (snow tires)2WAWithout additional tiresAirbag4UEAir bag for driver and front seat passengerAlternators8GUAlternator 140 AAudio-response system/voice controlQH1Voice controlAuxiliary heater9M0Without auxiliary/parking heaterBase engineTH34-cylinder diesel engine 2.0 L unit 03L.BBatteriesJ0ZBattery 520 A (110 Ah)Battery/alternator capacityNY0Standard battery/alternator capacityBody measures5C0Without special body measuresBody styleK8DStation Wagon Variant/AvantBrake systems1ASElectronic stabilization program (ESP)Brake type in rear1KWDisc brakes, rearBrake type, front1LTDisc brakes, frontBreakaway interior rearview mirror4L6Breakaway interior rear view mirror, automatically dimmingBumper systems2K1Reinforced bumpersCarrier frequency for radio remote control5D7Carrier frequency 868 MHz without panic buttonCD changer/CD player7A3CD playerCd enhancing underbody panel2D0Without cd enhancing underbody panelCD ROM/DVD/SD card7QTCD ROM (Europe)Center armrest6E3Front center armrestChild seat anchor in front3G0Without child seat anchor front (ISOFIX)Climatic zones0Y1Standard climatic zonesComponent part sets with country-specific design requirementsB0AComponent parts set without country-specific design requirementComponents with special surface appearance6FAComponents without special surface appearanceCruise control system8T1Cruise control system (CCS)Customized installationFC0Without customized installationDecorative films / emblems6F0Without decorative films / emblemsDirect tire pressure monitoring system7K0Without tire pressure warning lightDoor and lid locking system4K4Radio remote controlled central lockingDrive layout1X0Front wheel driveDriving on the left/on the rightAV1Driving on the rightElectric interface for external useUF0Without electric interfaceEmissions standard7MGEmission standard EU5Engine cooling system8Z5Not hot countryEngine specificationsD924-cyl. turbo dies. eng. 2.0 l/105 kW 4V TDI common rail Base engine is TH3/TG3/TL4/TM4/TP4Equipment levelsA8SStandard equipmentExterior mirror setting6XDExterior mirrors: electrically adjustable/heatedFirst aid kit / warning triangle1T3First aid kit with warning triangleFloor mats0TDFront and rear floor matsFollow-on warrantyEA0Without subsequent warrantyFront fog lamp/additional headlamp8WBFront fog lightsFront license plate carrier6W1License plate bracket front (large)Front seatsQ1AStandard front seatsFront underbody guard1SAWithout additional front underbody guardFuel quality0U2Fuel quality < 50 ppmFuel quantity for initial filling1Z0Initial standard fuel fillingFuel systems0F3Fuel system for diesel engineGarage door openerVC0W/o remote-controlled garage door openerGearshift knob/handle7F9Plastic/leather gearshift knob/handleGeneral operating permit, alterationsC18Operating permit, alterationHandling production and pre-productionFA0Control of standard productionHandset (telephone)QF0Without receiver (car phone)Headlamp washer system8X1Headlight washer systemHeadlamps8BPBi-functional headlight with gas discharge lampHeadlight activation8K4Separate daytime running lights NARHeadlight range adjustment8Q5Headlight-range adjustment, automatic/ dynamic with dynamic bending light (AFS 1)Heat accumulator system/auxiliary heater7E6Electric auxiliary air heaterHeating and air conditioning system9AKClimatronic with impact pressure control free of cfcIdentification plates1EXSpecial identification plate for EC for M1 passenger vehicleInserts5MADecorative insertsInstallation parts for engine (engine mount system)1VGInstallation parts for four-cylinder engineInstrument clustersU2AInstrument insert with km/h speedometer, radio-controlled clock, tachometer and trip odometerLabel for central electric0W1Label for central electric German-speaking countriesLane change assist/lane keeping system7Y0Without lane change assistantLeather scope7HAWithout leatherLeft exterior mirror5SLLeft exterior mirror: asphericalLight package (lighting)QQ1With additional lights (interior lighting)Lock operation for tailgate/trunk lid4E0Tailgate/trunk lid unlocking from outsideLockable wheel bolts1PAStandard wheel boltsLuggage compartment floor covering6SSLuggage compartment floor coveringLumbar support7P0Without lumbar support in seat backrestsMaintenance contractEW0Without maintenance contractManufacturerA51Audi AGManufacturing sequence differentiation0FAStandard manufacturing sequenceMolding roof liner6NJStandard molded headliningMoldings4ZBBright moldingsMulti-function display/trip computer9Q8Multi-function display/on-board computerN.N.A.FY2Type 2Nameplate set0NAWithout nameplate set (without model designation)Navigation device7T2Navigation system (LOW)Operating voltage9Z0Operating voltage 12VOwner's manuals0VCInformation kit in GermanPaint preservative/transit coating5K8Konservierung (AC-Audi/Autostadt VW)Park distance control7X4Park distance control, front and rearParking brakeUH1Parking brakeQuality classAQ0Standard-production qualityQuattro GmbHFQ0Standard production wheelsRadios8DPRadio "LOW II"Rear cargo area3GDPlane rear cargo areaRear differentialGH0Without rear axle differentialRear head restraints3Q1Rear headrestsRear seats3NZRear seat bench unsplit, backrest split foldingRear spoiler5J0Without rear spoilerRear trim panel6V1Rear trim panel (ECE)Right exterior mirror6TSRight exterior mirror: aspherical, large viewing fieldRoll-up sun screen for rear and side windows3Y0Without roll-up sun screenRoof insert/convertible top3FAWithout roof insert (standard roof)Roof rails/roof load rack3S1Bright roof railsSafety certificate0LWSpecial plates/stickers/ safety certificates for GermanyScuff plates7M1Scuff plates in door apertures with metal insertsSeat adjustment3L3Manual height adjustment for front seatsSeat belt check9P3Seat belt reminder, electric contact in buckleSeat heater4A3Seat heater for front seats separately controlledSeat trim coversN2MFabric seat coveringSelf-collection / special controlA00No self-collectionShock absorption/suspension, chassis1BAStandard suspension/shock absorptionSide airbag4X3Side air bag front with curtain air bagSide and rear windows4KCSide and rear windows in heat-insulating glassSki bag3X0Without load-through provisionSocket7B312-volt socket(s)Spare wheel/breakdown kit1G8Breakdown setSpeaker installation8RXPassive speakersSpecial editionsE0ANo special editionSpecial labels/plates2KRLabels/plates in English and GermanSpecial registration measures3M3Passenger car designStart/stop system/regenerative braking7L7Regenerative braking with 12.5 VSteering1N1Power steeringSteering system arrangementL0LLeft-hand drive vehicleSteering wheels2ZQLeather trimmed multi-function steering wheel for air bag systemStorage compartment packageQE1Tray areas package 1Sun visors5XKSun visors on driver's and passenger sideTail lamp assemblies8SKTaillight assemblies with diodes (LED)Telephone / telematics9ZFMobile phone preparation with hands-free speaking systemTheft protection system7AAElectronic vehicle immobilization deviceTie down straps/net/pocket6M0Without tie down straps/net/pocketTire suppliersV0ATires w/o specification of tire brandTiresHE3Tires 225/55 R16 YTool kit and jack1S2Tool kitTrailer hitch1D2Trailer hitch, removable and lockableTransit coatingNT0Transit coating (type 1)Transmission specificationsG0ZVariable gearing ratioTransmission types/gearshift mechanisms0G7TiptronicTV reception/digital radio receptionQV0W/o TV reception/digital radio receptionType approval countries/countries with special requirementsB01Type approval GermanyType of tireVG6Type of tire: design 2Type sign2Z0Deletion of model designationUpgrading measuresGP1Vehicles with special upgrade measuresVehicle class differentiation units/platform components0HVVehicle class differentiation 8K0Vehicle specificationsF0ANo special purpose vehicle, standard equipmentVehicle tracing system7G0Without preparation for VTS (vehicle tracking system)VersionsFM0Basic equipment variantWeight category front axle0JHWeight category front axle weight range 8Weight category rear axle0YJWeight range 9 installation control only, no requirement forecastWheelsCD6Alloy wheels 7.5J x 16Windshield glass type4GFWindshield in heat-insulating glassWindshield wiper intermittent control/ light/rain sensor8N6Windshield wiper intermittent control with light/rain sensor PGKA4 business package key accounts PNWSatellite Navigation system - DVD based PT5Mobile telephone preparation - Low with Bluetooth and voice control PX1XENON PLUS
  7. gluszczt


    jest jeszcze chyba trewor , a z resztą kto nie miał golfa
  8. gluszczt


    z kącika mk 4 jest jeszcze roboform55 ... Nom fajne
  9. gluszczt


    Witam panowie przestudiowałem tematy na forum i teraz dla pewności zapytam .... Mam 1.8T b6 po fabrycznym programie abt-a , Grzesiek zmienił soft do tego, ale abt zostawił zabezpieczenia w sterowniku ....czy przypisując fabrycznie nowy kluczyk a w późniejszym czasie licznik do auta nie będzie z tym problemu ? .... immo zostało...
  10. 058 109 229 B Łańcuch nastawnika rozrządu 058 109 021 M wałek rozrządu wlot 058 109 022 B wałek rozrządu wylot 1.8T AVJ,AMB,BFB,BEX
  11. Witam , proszę o wycenę części do audi a4 b6 1.8 T BEX +Q - rozrząd nowego typu/ Gates + pompa wody hepu - komplet uszczelek pokrywy głowicy/rozrządu Erling 058 198 025 A - pas wielorowkowy 21.36x1590 mm 06B 903 137 D - olej PENRITE ENVIRO+ 5W-40 5L - FILTR OLEJU , MANN/knecht Pozdrawiam.
  12. Witam wszystkich
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