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Witam, kolega upatrzył B6 ale po odczytaniu błędów sie zastanawia. to jest 2003 3.0 quattro , tiptronic, po skasowaniu błędów w silniku już sie nie poajwiły, ale nie siedziałem za długo .

VCDS-Lite Version: Release 1.2

Wednesday, 18 December 2013, 11:57:46:0

Control Module Part Number: 8E0 909 559 M

Component and/or Version: 3.0L V6/5V 0010

Software Coding: 0011751

Work Shop Code: WSC 00999


10 Faults Found:

17831 - Secondary Air Injection System; Bank 1: Insufficient Flow

P1423 - 002 - Lower Limit Exceeded

17819 - Secondary Air Injection System; Bank 2: Insufficient Flow

P1411 - 002 - Lower Limit Exceeded

16684 - Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected

P0300 - 001 - Upper Limit Exceeded

16685 - Cylinder 1: Misfire Detected

P0301 - 001 - Upper Limit Exceeded

16686 - Cylinder 2: Misfire Detected

P0302 - 001 - Upper Limit Exceeded - Intermittent

16690 - Cylinder 6: Misfire Detected

P0306 - 001 - Upper Limit Exceeded - Intermittent

16688 - Cylinder 4: Misfire Detected

P0304 - 001 - Upper Limit Exceeded - Intermittent

16500 - Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor (G62): Implausible Signal

P0116 - 008 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent

17545 - Fuel Trim: Bank 1 (Add): System too Rich

P1137 - 002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent

17511 - Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor Heating; B1 S1: Performance too Low

P1103 - 008 - Implausible Signal – Intermittent


VCDS-Lite Version: Release 1.2

Wednesday, 18 December 2013, 11:59:05:0

Control Module Part Number: 8E0 927 156 G

Component and/or Version: AG5 01V 3.0l5V RdW 0809

Software Coding: 0000001

Work Shop Code: WSC 63251

VCID: 321799CBED37

1 Fault Found:

17125 - Torque Converter Clutch: Stuck OFF / No Power being transferred

P0741 - 003 - Mechanical Failure – Intermittent



VCDS-Lite Version: Release 1.2

Wednesday, 18 December 2013, 12:07:41:0

Chassis Type: 8E - Audi A4 B6

Scan: 01,02,03,08,09,0F,11,15,16,17,18,36,37,45,46,55,56,57,65,67,69,75,76,77


Address 01: Engine Labels: 06C-909-559-ASN.LBL

Controller: 8E0 909 559 M

Component: 3.0L V6/5V 0010

Coding: 0011751

Shop #: WSC 00999


No fault code found.

Readiness: 0110 1101


Address 02: Auto Trans Labels: 01V-927-156.LBL

Controller: 8E0 927 156 G

Component: AG5 01V 3.0l5V RdW 0809

Coding: 0000001

Shop #: WSC 63251

VCID: 321799CBED37

No fault code found.


Address 03: ABS Brakes Labels: 8E0-614-517.LBL

Controller: 8E0 614 517 A

Component: ABS/ESP allrad 3429

Coding: 04497

Shop #: WSC 06435

VCID: 263F759BD1FF

No fault code found.


Address 08: Auto HVAC Labels: 8E0-820-043.LBL

Controller: 8E0 820 043 AD

Component: A4 Klimaautomat 1219

Coding: 00000

Shop #: WSC 63251

VCID: 63B92C8FE24D

2 Faults Found:

00819 - High Pressure Sensor (G65)

07-10 - Signal too Low - Intermittent

00819 - High Pressure Sensor (G65)

16-10 - Signal Outside Specifications - Intermittent


Address 09: Cent. Elect. Labels: 8E0-907-279-8E2.LBL

Controller: 8E0 907 279 E

Component: int. Lastmodul RDW 0305

Coding: 00011

Shop #: WSC 63251

VCID: 341B9FD31723

1 Fault Found:

01495 - Bulb for High-Beams; Left (M30)

57-00 - Electric Circuit Failure


Address 15: Airbags Labels: 8E0-959-655-84.LBL

Controller: 8E0 959 655 B

Component: Airbag 8.4EP 3002

Coding: 0010602

Shop #: WSC 63251

VCID: 361FA5DB015F

No fault code found.


Address 16: Steering wheel Labels: 8E0-953-549.LBL

Controller: 8E0 953 549 N

Component: Lenksáulenmodul 0308

Coding: 01112

Shop #: WSC 63251


No fault code found.


Address 17: Instruments Labels: 8E0-920-9xx-8E2.LBL

Controller: 8E0 920 900 L

Component: KOMBI+WEGFAHRS. RB4 D37

Coding: 01100

Shop #: WSC 00186

VCID: 2D2D8AB7F409

WAUZZZ8E24A045438 AUZ6Z0C0207196

No fault code found.


Address 45: Inter. Monitor Labels: 8E0-951-177.LBL

Controller: 8E0 951 177

Component: Innenraumueberw. 0604

Coding: 00001

Shop #: WSC 00000


1 Fault Found:

01463 - Alarm triggered by Sensor for anti-theft alarm System

43-00 - Closed


Address 46: Central Conv. Labels: 8E0-959-433-MAX.LBL

Controller: 8E0 959 433 BC

Component: Komfortgerát T3B 1311

Coding: 08042

Shop #: WSC 00400

VCID: 73995CCF52AD

7 Faults Found:

01134 - Alarm Horn (H12)

49-00 - No Communications

01370 - Alarm triggered by Interior Monitoring

35-00 - -

01368 - Alarm triggered by Luggage Compartment Switch

35-00 - -

01369 - Alarm triggered by Hood Switch

35-00 - -

01371 - Alarm triggered by Door Contact Switch; Driver's Side

35-00 - -

01561 - Left Rear Door

61-10 - Won't De-Safe - Intermittent

01334 - Door Control Module; Rear Right (J398)

80-10 - Single-Wire Operation - Intermittent


Address 55: Xenon Range Labels: 4Z7-907-357.LBL

Controller: 4Z7 907 357

Component: dynamische LWR D09

Coding: 00060

Shop #: WSC 63251

VCID: 047B0F130703

2 Faults Found:

01535 - Control Circuit for Right Headlight Range Adjusting Motor (V49)

30-00 - Open or Short to Plus

01534 - Control Circuit for Left Headlight Range Adjusting Motor (V48)

30-00 - Open or Short to Plus


Address 56: Radio Labels: 8E0-035-1xx-56.LBL

Controller: 8E0 035 195 P

Component: symphony II NP2 0152

Coding: 01201

Shop #: WSC 00400

VCID: 341B9FD31723

No fault code found.

End --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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