Lysyraczej Opublikowano 16 Grudnia 2008 Opublikowano 16 Grudnia 2008 VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N Address 01 Controller: 8D0 907 557 C Component: 1,8L R4/5V MOTR HS D05 Coding: 04001 Shop #: WSC 00000 9 Faults Found: 17978 - Engine Start Blocked by Immobilizer P1570 - 35-00 - - 16500 - Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor (G62): Implausible Signal P0116 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent 17735 - Knock-Control: Cylinder 3: Regulation Limit Exceeded P1327 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent 17734 - Knock-Control: Cylinder 2: Regulation Limit Exceeded P1326 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent 17736 - Knock-Control: Cylinder 4: Regulation Limit Exceeded P1328 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent 17733 - Knock-Control: Cylinder 1: Regulation Limit Exceeded P1325 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent 16486 - Mass Air Flow Sensor (G70): Signal too Low P0102 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent 00670 - Throttle Position Sensor (G127) 27-10 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent 01247 - Activated Charcoal Filter (EVAP) System Solenoid Valve 1 (N80) 26-10 - Output Open - Intermittent Address 03 Controller: 4D0 907 379 D Component: ABS BOSCH 5 7402 Coding: 0265108005 Shop #: BB 37402 Address 17 ------------------------------------------------------- Controller: 8D0 919 035 C Component: B5_KOMBIINSTRUMENT D02 Coding: 00442 Shop #: WSC 00259 No fault code found. Address 25 ------------------------------------------------------- Controller: 4A0 953 234 Component: IMMO AUZ9Z0C0299239 D77 Coding: 00000 Shop #: WSC 00508 1 Fault Found: 01176 - Key 07-00 - Signal to Low
Lysyraczej Opublikowano 17 Grudnia 2008 Autor Opublikowano 17 Grudnia 2008 Siema, pali normalnie jak sadze ostanio wzial 11,5L/ 100Km po miescie, na krotkich odcinkach. Krotka trasa hmm wlasnie wybieram sie do polski jutro hehe
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