kar0lap Opublikowano 1 Maja 2019 Opublikowano 1 Maja 2019 Witam, logi zrobione po wypadku, błędów trochę jest, byłby ktoś tak uprzejmy przejrzeć i podpowiedzieć co może mieć awarie? Z góry dziękuję za pomoc! Friday,07,September,2018,17:37:51:39744 VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 7 x86 VCDS Version: Data version: 20170220 DS267.3 www.Ross-Tech.com VIN: WAUZZZ8E15A442575 License Plate: Mileage: 365150km-226893mi Repair Order: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chassis Type: 8E (8E - Audi A4/S4/RS4 B6/B7 (2001 > 2008)) Scan: 01 02 03 08 09 0F 11 15 16 17 18 25 36 37 45 46 55 56 57 65 67 69 75 76 77 VIN: WAUZZZ8E15A442575 Mileage: 365150km-226893miles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 01: Engine Labels: 03G-906-016-BLB.clb Part No SW: 03G 906 016 GN HW: 028 101 211 3 Component: R4 2,0L EDC G200SG 9618 Revision: 12345678 Serial number: Coding: 0000072 Shop #: WSC 48259 141 00419 VCID: 75E63A961C5A76E9CA-8020 1 Fault Found: 18107 - Powertrain Data Bus P1699 - 000 - Missing Message from Steering Wheel Electronics Freeze Frame: RPM: 0 /min Torque: 50.0 Nm Speed: 0.0 km/h Load: 0.0 % Voltage: 12.01 V Bin. Bits: 00001100 Bin. Bits: 00000000 (no units): 1.0 Readiness: 0 0 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 03: ABS Brakes Labels: 8E0-910-517.clb Part No SW: 8E0 910 517 B HW: 8E0 614 517 AT Component: ESP8 front H04 0180 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000000000000 Coding: 0004401 Shop #: WSC 06325 000 00000 VCID: 26442DDA917C4D71B3-8072 1 Fault Found: 01826 - Sensor for Steering Angle (G85); Supply Voltage Terminal 30 000 - - Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01100000 Fault Priority: 3 Fault Frequency: 8 Reset counter: 40 Time Indication: 0 Freeze Frame: Hex Value: 0x0000 Hex Value: 0x0202 Hex Value: 0x00FF Hex Value: 0xFF8F Hex Value: 0x00FF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 08: Auto HVAC Labels: 8E0-820-043.lbl Part No: 8E0 820 043 BM Component: A4 Klimaautomat 3233 Coding: 00000 Shop #: WSC 00000 VCID: 6DD612F6270ABE2932-513C 2 Faults Found: 00819 - High Pressure Sensor (G65) 07-10 - Signal too Low - Intermittent 01206 - Signal for Duration of Ignition Off Time 27-00 - Implausible Signal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 09: Cent. Elect. Labels: 8E0-907-279-8EC.lbl Part No: 8E0 907 279 L Component: int. Lastmodul NDL 0304 Coding: 10012 Shop #: WSC 06325 VCID: 3B72ECAE29FEE099FC-4B18 3 Faults Found: 01496 - Bulb for Fog-Lamps; Left (L22) 30-00 - Open or Short to Plus 01500 - Bulb for Fog-Lamps; Right (L23) 30-00 - Open or Short to Plus 01519 - Bulb for Back-Up Lights; Right (M17) 30-00 - Open or Short to Plus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 15: Airbags Labels: 8E0-959-655-94.lbl Part No SW: 8E0 959 655 G HW: 8E0 959 655 G Component: Airbag 9.41 H10 3230 Revision: 91H10323 Serial number: 0036M00137KJ Coding: 0030622 Shop #: WSC 06325 000 00000 VCID: 3B72ECAE7AFEE099FC-806E Subsystem 1 - Serial number: 6332DRB40110490B9 Subsystem 2 - Serial number: 6342DRB4010913143 Subsystem 3 - Serial number: 6352ARB4003D7E82T Subsystem 4 - Serial number: 6362ARB4003D7F16S Subsystem 5 - Serial number: 63729RB400397376I Subsystem 6 - Serial number: 63829RB40039727FR No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 16: Steering wheel Labels: 8E0-953-549.lbl Part No: 8E0 953 549 S Component: Lenksáulenmodul 0611 Coding: 00012 Shop #: WSC 06325 VCID: 4382944E510E9859B4-4B18 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 17: Instruments Labels: 8E0-920-9xx-8EC.lbl Part No SW: 8E0 920 931 D HW: 8E0 920 931 D Component: KOMBI+WFS 4 H12 0040 Revision: 0040 Serial number: 00000000000000 Coding: 0004041 Shop #: WSC 47890 564 45725 VCID: 295E26E6836262099E-515A No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 25: Immobilizer Labels: 8E0-920-9xx-8EC.lbl Part No SW: 8E0 920 931 D HW: 8E0 920 931 D Component: KOMBI+WFS 4 H12 0040 Revision: 0040 Serial number: 00000000000000 Coding: 0004041 Shop #: WSC 47890 564 45725 VCID: 295E26E6836262099E-515A No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 46: Central Conv. Labels: 8E0-959-433-MIN.clb Part No: 8E0 959 433 BG Component: Komfortgerát T85 2431 Coding: 07024 Shop #: WSC 06325 VCID: 77FA309E555604F9D8-4B18 Subsystem 1 - Part No: 8E1959801B Component: Tőrsteuer.FS BRM 0205 Subsystem 2 - Part No: 8E1959802B Component: Tőrsteuer.BF BRM 0205 1 Fault Found: 00956 - Key 2 35-10 - - - Intermittent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 77: Telephone Labels: 8P0-862-335.lbl Part No SW: 8P0 862 335 D HW: 8P0 862 335 D Component: FSE_255x BT H18 0050 Revision: 00000001 Serial number: 00000000153424 Coding: 0000511 Shop #: WSC 06325 000 00000 VCID: 377AF09E45D6C4F918-515A No fault code found. End-------------------------(Elapsed Time: 06:29)--------------------------
BeyerBrown Opublikowano 1 Maja 2019 Opublikowano 1 Maja 2019 Silnik: 1. Brak połączenia ze sterownikiem w kolumnie kierowniczej ABS: 1. Błąd niskiego napięcia pojawia się po odłączeniu akumulatora, po wyczyszczeniu pamięci usterek powinien zniknąć. Klima: 1. Błąd sporadyczny czujnika ciśnienia klimy, umieszczonego na skraplaczu, po skasowaniu błędów powinien już nie wrócić. 2. Moduł świateł (centralnej elektryki): Masz coś namieszane w kablach idących do przednich lamp, naprawę powypadkową ogarniał blacharz, lakiernik i elektryk w jednym czy fachowiec od elektryki samochodowej? Może nie są polutowane porządnie tylko poskręcane ze sobą... Moduł komfortu: Błąd powinien zniknąć po wyczyszczeniu pamięci usterek.
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