mam problem z silnikiem .. mianowicie ciężko pali i raz zdarzyło się że auto zgasło podczas jazdy .. na desce nic sie nie pokazało ..
podłączyłem w domu vaga .. i tutaj rezultat .. ..
martwi mnie błąd 19463 - położenie wałka rozrządu ..
VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N
Chassis Type: 8D - Audi A4 B5
Scan: 01,02,03,08,15,17,25,35,45,55,56
Address 01 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 038 906 019 BR
Component: 1,9l R4 EDC 0000SG 1064
Coding: 00002
Shop #: WSC 06325
2 Faults Found:
17978 - Engine Start Blocked by Immobilizer
P1570 - 35-00 - -
19463 - Camshaft Position Sensor (G40): No Signal
P3007 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent
Readiness: N/A
Address 03 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8E0 614 111 AH
Component: ABS/ASR 5.3 FRONT D10
Coding: 00012
Shop #: WSC 06435
No fault code found.
Address 08 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: ö 8D0 820
Note: Excessive Comm Errors
Skipping Address 15-Airbags
Address 17 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8D0 920 900
Component: KOMBI+WEGFAHRS. M73 D15
Coding: 00040
Shop #: WSC 00000
Ident.-Nr. Wegfahrs.:AUZ5Z0Y3105014
No fault code found.
Address 25 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: Bitte Adress
Component: e 17 eingeben
No Faults Found
or DTCs not supported by controller
or a communication error ocurred
Address 35 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8D0 862 257 C
Component: ZV-Pumpe D12
Coding: 00001
Shop #: WSC 06325
4 Faults Found:
01367 - Central Locking Pump Run Time Exceeded (Likely Leak)
35-00 - -
01365 - Lock/Unlock Switch: Interior
29-00 - Short to Ground
01389 - Tailgate Open Switch (F124)
29-00 - Short to Ground
00991 - Interior Lights
28-00 - Short to B+
End -------------------------------------------------------
czy coś możecie poradzić ..