kolegi a4 ma problem 99 rok 110km (zapomnialem sprawdzic prefa)
a wiec tak kolega dolal oleju i nie sprawdzil ile dolal a dolal 3 razy za duzo niz powinno byc Po przejechaniu ok 40 km nie wciskajac gazu samochod sam zaczal gazowac (obroty wskakiwaly do ponad 4.5tys) po rozmowie z kolega z forum stwierdzil ze moga byc walniete uszczelniacze zaworowe. Teraz kolega spuszcza olej i zobaczy czy wszystko bedzie ok.
Jakies sugestie co moze byc jeszcze uszkodzone?
VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N
Chassis Type: 8D - Audi A4 B5
Scan: 01,02,03,08,15,17,25,35,45,55,56
Address 01 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 038 906 012 AH
Component: 1,9l R4 EDC G000SG 2827
Coding: 00002
Shop #: WSC 06325
1 Fault Found:
18062 - Please check DTC Memory of Instrument Cluster
P1654 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent
Readiness: N/A
Address 03 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8E0 614 111 AB
Component: ABS 5.3 FRONT D00
Coding: 0273004281
Shop #: BB 24548
No fault code found.
Address 08 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: ö
Component: ö8D0
Shop #: ö8
Skipping Address 15-Airbags
Address 17 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8D0 920 900 M
Component: KOMBI+WEGFAHRS. M73 D56
Coding: 00040
Shop #: WSC 21173
1 Fault Found:
00562 - Sensor for Oil Level/Temperature (G266)
27-10 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent
Address 25 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: Bitte Adress
Component: e 17 eingeben
No Faults Found
or DTCs not supported by controller
or a communication error ocurred
Address 35 -------------------------------------------------------
Controller: 8D0 862 257 B
Component: ZV-Pumpe, Funk D12
Coding: 12865
Shop #: WSC 06325
2 Faults Found:
00991 - Interior Lights
28-00 - Short to B+
00955 - Key 1
09-00 - Adaptation Limit Surpassed
End -------------------------------------------------------