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[B6 AWX] Jak walczyć z tymi błędami?

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Control Module Part Number: 8E0 820 043 A

Component and/or Version: A4 Klimaautomat 0403

Software Coding: 00000

Work Shop Code: WSC 63351

3 Faults Found:

00757 - Right Vent Temp Sensor (G151)

30-00 - Open or Short to B+

01842 - Potentiometer/Actuator for Temperature Flap: Right (G221)

09-00 - Adaptation Limit Surpassed

00975 - Heated Rear Window (Z1)

36-00 - Open Circuit

Control Module Part Number: 8E0 820 043 A

Component and/or Version: A4 Klimaautomat 0403

Software Coding: 00000

Work Shop Code: WSC 63351

2 Faults Found:

00757 - Right Vent Temp Sensor (G151)

30-00 - Open or Short to B+

01842 - Potentiometer/Actuator for Temperature Flap: Right (G221)

09-00 - Adaptation Limit Surpassed

VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N

Control Module Part Number: 8E0 953 549 S

Component and/or Version: Lenksáulenmodul 0611

Software Coding: 00011

Work Shop Code: WSC 00000

1 Fault Found:

01331 - Door Control Module: Driver Side (J386)

49-00 - No Communications

Control Module Part Number: 8E0 907 279 B

Component and/or Version: int. Lastmodul RDW 1512

Software Coding: 00001

Work Shop Code: WSC 00000

10 Faults Found:

01494 - Bulb for Parking Lamps: Left (M1)

57-00 - Electric Circuit Failure

01498 - Bulb for Parking Lamps: Right (M3)

57-00 - Electric Circuit Failure

01504 - Bulb for License-Plate Light (X)

57-00 - Electric Circuit Failure

01331 - Door Control Module: Driver Side (J386)

49-00 - No Communications

00526 - Brake Light Switch-F

28-10 - Short to B+ - Intermittent

01317 - Control Module in Instrument Cluster (J285)

49-10 - No Communications - Intermittent

01330 - Central Control Module for Central Convenience (J393)

49-10 - No Communications - Intermittent

01326 - Control Module for Multi-Function Steering Wheel (J453)

49-10 - No Communications - Intermittent

01317 - Control Module in Instrument Cluster (J285)

79-10 - Please Check Fault Codes - Intermittent

01312 - Powertrain Data Bus

49-10 - No Communications - Intermittent



Trochę ich dużo :wink4:

Wykasować pojeżdzić,sprawdzić ponownie ...ot narazie tyle :wink4:

Klima chodzi dobrze[nawiewy]?


centralny?[z kluczyka i pilota]

Może ktoś zdejmował deske :cool1:

Słabe AKU?


Zczytaj jeszcze błędy z zegarów.


Akumulator nowy....

Te kasuje, ale od razu się pojewiają:

Control Module Part Number: 8E0 907 279 B

Component and/or Version: int. Lastmodul RDW 1512

Software Coding: 00001

Work Shop Code: WSC 00000

10 Faults Found:

01494 - Bulb for Parking Lamps: Left (M1)

57-00 - Electric Circuit Failure

01498 - Bulb for Parking Lamps: Right (M3)

57-00 - Electric Circuit Failure

01504 - Bulb for License-Plate Light (X)

57-00 - Electric Circuit Failure

01331 - Door Control Module: Driver Side (J386)

49-00 - No Communications

00526 - Brake Light Switch-F

28-10 - Short to B+ - Intermittent

01317 - Control Module in Instrument Cluster (J285)

49-10 - No Communications - Intermittent

01330 - Central Control Module for Central Convenience (J393)

49-10 - No Communications - Intermittent

01326 - Control Module for Multi-Function Steering Wheel (J453)

49-10 - No Communications - Intermittent

01317 - Control Module in Instrument Cluster (J285)

79-10 - Please Check Fault Codes - Intermittent

01312 - Powertrain Data Bus

49-10 - No Communications - Intermittent

nawet nie wiem O co z nimi chodzi....

Ten jak mam zamknięte drzwi to się kasuje, lecz gdy otworzę je to wyskakuje z powrotem:

01331 - Door Control Module: Driver Side (J386)

49-00 - No Communications

Te od klimy też nie dają się wykasować:

Control Module Part Number: 8E0 820 043 A

Component and/or Version: A4 Klimaautomat 0403

Software Coding: 00000

Work Shop Code: WSC 63351

2 Faults Found:

00757 - Right Vent Temp Sensor (G151)

30-00 - Open or Short to B+

01842 - Potentiometer/Actuator for Temperature Flap: Right (G221)

09-00 - Adaptation Limit Surpassed


A w jakich okolicznosciach te bledy powstaly ??

Z dnia na dzien??, czy dzwon byl, cos robione?

A autko jak, pali, jezdzi, czy nic sie nie da zrobic?

No communication - moze masz jakis bezpiecznik padniety, ze sie polaczyc nie moze.

Moze część modułów jest zasilona a czesc nie i temu taakie dziwne bledy, nie wszystki ale...

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