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[ALL B6] Prośba o analizę błędów

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi


Address 01 -------------------------------------------------------

Controller: 8E0 909 518 M

Component: 1.8L R4/5VT 0002

Coding: 0011701

Shop #: WSC 63351

3 Faults Found:

16712 - Knock Sensor 1 (G61): Signal too High

P0328 - 001 - Upper Limit Exceeded - Intermittent

16795 - Secondary Air Injection System: Incorrect Flow Detected

P0411 - 002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent

17698 - Coolant Temp Sensor at Radiator Outlet (G83): Signal too Small

P1290 - 002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent

Readiness: 0000 0000

Address 03 -------------------------------------------------------

Controller: 8E0 614 517 A

Component: ABS/ESP allrad 1726

Coding: 04275

Shop #: WSC 06435

No fault code found.

Address 08 -------------------------------------------------------

Controller: 8E0 820 043 N

Component: A4 Klimaautomat 1015

Coding: 00000

Shop #: WSC 63351

1 Fault Found:

01810 - Actuating Motor for Temperature Flap: Right (V159)

41-10 - Blocked or No Voltage - Intermittent

Address 09 -------------------------------------------------------

Controller: 8E0 907 279 E

Component: int. Lastmodul RDW 0305

Coding: 00011

Shop #: WSC 63351

1 Fault Found:

01498 - Bulb for Parking Lamps: Right (M3)

57-00 - Electric Circuit Failure

Skipping Address 15-Airbags

Address 16 -------------------------------------------------------

Controller: 8E0 953 549 F

Component: Lenksáulenmodul 0308

Coding: 00011

Shop #: WSC 63351

No fault code found.

Address 17 -------------------------------------------------------

Controller: 8E0 920 900 H

Component: KOMBI+WEGFAHRS. RB4 D27

Coding: 01000

Shop #: WSC 00222

WAUZZZ8EX3A018664 AUZ6Z0B0101239

1 Fault Found:

01304 - Radio

49-00 - No Communications

Address 45 -------------------------------------------------------

Controller: 8E0 951 177

Component: Innenraumueberw. 0604

Coding: 00001

Shop #: WSC 00000

No fault code found.

Address 46 -------------------------------------------------------

Controller: 8E0 959 433 AH

Component: Komfortgerát T1B 0619

Coding: 06730

Shop #: WSC 63351

4 Faults Found:

01370 - Alarm triggered by Interior Monitoring

35-00 - -

00962 - Alarm via. Tilt Sensor

35-00 - -

01369 - Alarm triggered by Hood Switch

35-00 - -

01561 - Left Rear Door

61-10 - Won't De-Safe - Intermittent

Address 55 -------------------------------------------------------

Controller: 4Z7 907 357

Component: dynamische LWR D07

Coding: 00060

Shop #: WSC 63351

1 Fault Found:

01535 - Control Circuit for Right Headlight Range Adjusting Motor (V49)

30-10 - Open or Short to B+ - Intermittent

Address 76 -------------------------------------------------------

Controller: 8Z0 919 283 A

Component: Parkingsyst. A4 RDW D07

Coding: 00104

Shop #: WSC 63351

No fault code found.

End ----------------------------------------------------

[br]Dopisany: 16 Maj 2010, 18:09_________________________________________________jest ktos w stanie mi pomoc??


Ponawiam prośbę bo to o moje autko chodzi :confused4:


Czy po skasowaniu błędów wszystkie wracają? Bo jeżeli nie kasowałeś ich a są, to ktoś kiedyś grzebał przy elektryce i ich nie pokasował.[br]Dopisany: 22 Maj 2010, 19:37_________________________________________________16712 P0322 Czujnik uderzeniowy #1 R11; wysoke wejście(sygnał) (bank 1 lub pojedynczy sensor) - czyli był umfal :>

16795 P0411 System wprowadzania wtórnego powietrza (B2) R11; niewłaściwy przepływ

17699 p1290 Czujnik temperatury płunu chłodzącego za radiatorem g83 brak sygnału[br]Dopisany: 22 Maj 2010, 20:43_________________________________________________Address 46 -------------------------------------------------------

Controller: 8E0 959 433 AH

Component: Komfortgerát T1B 0619

Coding: 06730

Shop #: WSC 63351

4 Faults Found:

01370 - Alarm triggered by Interior Monitoring

35-00 - -

00962 - Alarm via. Tilt Sensor

35-00 - -

01369 - Alarm triggered by Hood Switch

35-00 - -

01561 - Left Rear Door

61-10 - Won't De-Safe - Intermittent

Te błędy powstały bo został uruchomiony alarm.[br]Dopisany: 22 Maj 2010, 20:45_________________________________________________Address 55 -------------------------------------------------------

Controller: 4Z7 907 357

Component: dynamische LWR D07

Coding: 00060

Shop #: WSC 63351

1 Fault Found:

01535 - Control Circuit for Right Headlight Range Adjusting Motor (V49)

30-10 - Open or Short to B+ - Intermittent

to oznacz że silniczek lamp ma zwarcie do pulsa

Czyli autko przywaliło przodem prawą stroną ;(

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