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[B5 AHU] Proszę o analizę logów

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi



Samochod jakos duzo mi pali albo mi sie wydaje :)

Logi zrobiłem ponieważ auto mi dużo pali i mam bład z czujnikiem swiateł stopu.

,Group A:,'000,,,,,,,,,,Group B:, Not Running,,,,Group C:, Not Running

















,Group A:,'001,,,,Group B:, Not Running,,,,Group C:, Not Running

,,Engine speed,Injection Quantity,Mod. Piston Displ.,Coolant Temp.,,,,,,,,,,


MARKER,STAMP, /min, mg/R, V,°C,STAMP,,,,,STAMP,,,,





















,Group A:,'002,,,,Group B:, Not Running,,,,Group C:, Not Running

,,Engine speed,Throttle Position,Operating Cond/AC,Coolant Temp,,,,,,,,,,


MARKER,STAMP, /min,%,,°C,STAMP,,,,,STAMP,,,,

,0.00,861,0.0, 0 1 0,92.7,,,,,,,,,,

,0.42,861,0.0, 0 1 0,92.7,,,,,,,,,,

,0.82,861,0.0, 0 1 0,92.7,,,,,,,,,,

,1.22,861,0.0, 0 1 0,92.7,,,,,,,,,,

,1.63,861,0.0, 0 1 0,92.7,,,,,,,,,,

,2.03,861,0.0, 0 1 0,92.7,,,,,,,,,,

,2.46,861,0.0, 0 1 0,92.7,,,,,,,,,,

,2.90,861,0.0, 0 1 0,92.7,,,,,,,,,,

,3.36,861,0.0, 0 1 0,92.7,,,,,,,,,,

,3.82,861,0.0, 0 1 0,92.7,,,,,,,,,,

,4.22,861,0.0, 0 1 0,92.7,,,,,,,,,,

,4.62,861,0.0, 0 1 0,92.7,,,,,,,,,,

,5.02,861,0.0, 0 1 0,92.7,,,,,,,,,,

,5.42,861,0.0, 0 1 0,92.7,,,,,,,,,,

Group A:,'003,,,,Group B:, Not Running,,,,Group C:, Not Running

,,Engine speed,MAF (specified),MAF (actual),EGR duty cycle,,,,,,,,,,


MARKER,STAMP, /min, mg/R, mg/R, %,STAMP,,,,,STAMP,,,,






















,Group A:,'004,,,,Group B:, Not Running,,,,Group C:, Not Running

,,Engine speed,Specified start,Actual start,Cold Start Valve,,,,,,,,,,

,TIME,861-945,2 to -3,2 to -3,3-70,TIME,,,,,TIME,,,,

























028 906 021 BD ,,1.9l R4 EDC 00SG 0806,

,Group A:,'004,,,,Group B:, Not Running,,,,Group C:, Not Running

,,Engine speed,Specified start,Actual start,Cold Start Valve,,,,,,,,,,

,TIME,861-945,2 to -3,2 to -3,3-70,TIME,,,,,TIME,,,,
























,Group A:,'008,,,,Group B:, Not Running,,,,Group C:, Not Running

,,Engine speed,Inj qty,Inj qty,Inj qty,,,,,,,,,,


MARKER,STAMP, /min, mg/R, mg/R, mg/R,STAMP,,,,,STAMP,,,,



















,Group A:,'010,,,,Group B:, Not Running,,,,Group C:, Not Running

,,Mass Air Flow,Barometric,Manifold ,Position,,,,,,,,,,


MARKER,STAMP, mg/R, mbar, mbar,%,STAMP,,,,,STAMP,,,,


































,Group A:,'011,,,,Group B:, Not Running,,,,Group C:, Not Running

,,Engine speed,Specified MAP,Actual MAP,Duty cycle,,,,,,,,,,

,TIME,,,,Boost Valvle,TIME,,,,,TIME,,,,

MARKER,STAMP, /min, mbar, mbar, %,STAMP,,,,,STAMP,,,,
























028 906 021 BD ,,1.9l R4 EDC 00SG 0806,

,Group A:,'011,,,,Group B:, Not Running,,,,Group C:, Not Running

,,Engine speed,Specified MAP,Actual MAP,Duty cycle,,,,,,,,,,

,TIME,,,,Boost Valvle,TIME,,,,,TIME,,,,

MARKER,STAMP, /min, mbar, mbar, %,STAMP,,,,,STAMP,,,,




























,Group A:,'013,,,,Group B:, Not Running,,,,Group C:, Not Running

,,Cyl 1,Cyl 2,Cyl 3,Cyl 4,,,,,,,,,,

,TIME,-2 to +2,-2 to +2,-2 to +2,-2 to +2,TIME,,,,,TIME,,,,

MARKER,STAMP, mg/R, mg/R, mg/R,,STAMP,,,,,STAMP,,,,

,0.00,0.19,-0.75,0.56, ,,,,,,,,,,

,0.46,0.19,-0.75,0.54, ,,,,,,,,,,

,0.93,0.12,-0.80,0.54, ,,,,,,,,,,

,1.33,0.14,-0.75,0.52, ,,,,,,,,,,

,1.73,0.19,-0.71,0.54, ,,,,,,,,,,

,2.13,0.19,-0.68,0.56, ,,,,,,,,,,

,2.53,0.24,-0.64,0.56, ,,,,,,,,,,

,2.93,0.24,-0.64,0.56, ,,,,,,,,,,

,3.33,0.19,-0.68,0.56, ,,,,,,,,,,

,3.73,0.24,-0.64,0.56, ,,,,,,,,,,

,4.13,0.24,-0.56,0.56, ,,,,,,,,,,

,4.53,0.26,-0.61,0.56, ,,,,,,,,,,

,4.93,0.31,-0.61,0.56, ,,,,,,,,,,

,5.33,0.26,-0.68,0.54, ,,,,,,,,,,

,5.73,0.28,-0.66,0.56, ,,,,,,,,,,

,6.13,0.31,-0.66,0.59, ,,,,,,,,,,

,6.56,0.33,-0.61,0.59, ,,,,,,,,,,

,6.96,0.31,-0.64,0.56, ,,,,,,,,,,

,7.36,0.31,-0.66,0.54, ,,,,,,,,,,

,7.76,0.31,-0.64,0.54, ,,,,,,,,,,

,8.16,0.35,-0.66,0.54, ,,,,,,,,,,

,8.56,0.35,-0.68,0.52, ,,,,,,,,,,

,8.96,0.35,-0.64,0.54, ,,,,,,,,,,

,9.36,0.28,-0.71,0.52, ,,,,,,,,,,

,Group A:,'015,,,,Group B:, Not Running,,,,Group C:, Not Running

,,Engine speed,Inj Qty (actual),Fuel Consumption,Inj Qty requested,,,,,,,,,,


MARKER,STAMP, /min, mg/R, l/h, mg/R,STAMP,,,,,STAMP,,,,















































































































































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