wrzucam logi jakies kurde na chybił trafił robione moze cos to pomoze
028 906 021 F,,1.9l R4 EDC SG D3I,
,Group A:,'015,,,,Group B:,'008,,,,Group C:, Not Running
,,Engine speed,Inj Qty (actual),Fuel Consumption,Inj Qty requested,,Engine speed,Inj qty,Inj qty,Inj qty,,,,,
Marker,STAMP, /min, mg/str, l/h, mg/str,STAMP, /min, mg/str, mg/str, mg/str,STAMP,,,,
[br]Dopisany: 15 Czerwiec 2008, 13:43 _________________________________________________Sunday,15,June,2008,13:13:19
028 906 021 F,,1.9l R4 EDC SG D3I,
,Group A:,'015,,,,Group B:,'004,,,,Group C:, Not Running
,,Engine speed,Inj Qty (actual),Fuel Consumption,Inj Qty requested,,Engine speed,Specified start,Actual start,Cold Start Valve,,,,,
,TIME,,,,(accelerator),TIME,861-945,2 to -3,2 to -3,3-70,TIME,,,,
Marker,STAMP, /min, mg/str, l/h, mg/str,STAMP, /min, °ATDC, °ATDC, %,STAMP,,,,
028 906 021 F,,1.9l R4 EDC SG D3I,
,Group A:,'015,,,,Group B:,'004,,,,Group C:,'003
,,Engine speed,Inj Qty (actual),Fuel Consumption,Inj Qty requested,,Engine speed,Specified start,Actual start,Cold Start Valve,,Engine speed,MAF (specified),MAF (actual),EGR duty cycle
,TIME,,,,(accelerator),TIME,861-945,2 to -3,2 to -3,3-70,TIME,861-945,240-340,240-340,4-84
Marker,STAMP, /min, mg/str, l/h, mg/str,STAMP, /min, °ATDC, °ATDC, %,STAMP, /min, mg/str, mg/str, %
[br]Dopisany: 15 Czerwiec 2008, 13:45 _________________________________________________
kolor taki szarawy w niebieski ale jast on jakis 2minuty i znika