Procedura adaptacji VCDS-Lite działa na 100% ważne po kliknięciu GO w grupie 001 trzeba odczekać kilka sekund i przejść do grupy 002 nie ma w tym żadnej filozofii Headlight AdjustmentPrerequisites:
Vehicle must be parked on level ground and settled on its suspension
[select] [55 - Xenon Range] [basic Settings - 04] Group 001 [Go!]
The meas. block field now shows "Wait" and should switch to "Adjust Headlights" then (this may take up to 10 seconds).
Adjust the headlights using their manual adjusting screws as referenced against a suitable aiming target.
Scroll [up] to Group 002
The adjustment should now be learned.
[Done, Go Back] [Close Controller, Go Back - 06]