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Note #1: After Login has been carried out you need to recode the control module.
Note #2: Special Login 07499 is used for 6-Cylinder Diesel Engine with 1LG Brakes and Multitronic.
Note #3: The Production Codes (PR-Code) such as 1LX can be found on a Sticker near the Spare Tire Well and/or the 1st Page of the Service Manual. Click here to see an Example of a Sticker.
0?xxx: Chassis
9 = Audi A4
0x?xx: Brakes
2 = Brembo 17" (PR-1LJ)
3 = FN3 16" (PR-1LT/1LF)
4 = HP2 16" (PR-1LX)
4 = FNR 16" (PR-1LA/1LG)
5 = FN3 15" (PR-1LB/1LE)
6 = C54 (PR-1LZ)
0xx?x: Engine
5 = 4/6 Cyl. Diesel
7 = 4/5 Cyl. Gasoline
9 = 6/8 Cyl. Gasoline
0xxx?: Transmission
5 = Manual
7 = Automatic (5HP19, 5HP24, AG4, AG5)
9 = Multitronic (01J, CVT)
Note #1: Coding is accepted after a specific login has been carried out.
Note #2: After successful coding the steering angle sensor basic setting needs to be carried out.
Note #3: Special Coding 04499 is used for BFB Engine with 1LT Brakes and Multitronic.
Note #4: The Production Codes (PR-Code) such as 1LX can be found on a Sticker near the Spare Tire Well and/or the 1st Page of the Service Manual. Click here to see an Example of a Sticker.
Note #5: In some cases, you will need to enter a non-zero WorkShop Code, such as 12345.
0?xxx: Chassis
4 = Audi A4
0x?xx: Brakes
1 = C54 (PR-1LZ)
2 = FN3 15" (PR-1LB/1LE)
3 = HP2 16" (PR-1LX)
3 = FNR 16" (PR-1LA/1LG)
4 = FN3 16" (PR-1LT/1LF)
5 = Brembo 17" (PR-1LJ)
0xx?x: Engine
5 = 4/6 Cyl. Diesel
7 = 4/5 Cyl. Gasoline
9 = 6/8 Cyl. Gasoline
0xxx?: Transmission
5 = Manual
7 = Automatic (5HP19, 5HP24, AG4, AG5)
9 = Multitronic (01J, CVT)