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RNS-E Firmware | Downloads | Europe
8.1.5 Reverse Gear over CAN When a basic reversing camera is installed the camera can be selected via a 12v signal on the RNS-E C2 pin.
Unfortunately, some later 193PU models of RNS-E lack the physical circuitry that implemented the C2 function. For these units it was not possible to have the camera input auto select on reverse. This firmware introduces the ability for either RFSL C2 (if present) or the CANBUS reverse gear message to select the basic reversing camera.
Not all vehicles support reverse over CANBUS – for example it is not present on earlier vehicles such as the TT 8N.
You can check if your RNS-E is correctly detecting reverse via the Engineering Menu: NAV → Nav senor info → Vehicle Signal REV OFF/ON